The refusal of Khilnani to question the very idea of India that somehow makes all 50 lives part of a large nationalist story indicates the limits of the entire endeavour. This is the limit set by a belief in the modern nation state of India. It is a limit because it then shapes the choices of the lives made, as well as the stories that are told about them.
Author: Dibyesh Anand
Dr Dibyesh Anand is an Associate Professor and Head of Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Westminster in London. He is the author of "Geopolitical Exotica: Tibet in Western Imagination", "Hindu Nationalism in India and the Politics of Fear" and several articles and chapters. He is an avid facebooker.
India, Kashmir and the Colonial Question or what FACEBOOK censored
I have this to say to those super patriots who keep bringing up the bogey of “jihadis”, “radical Islamists” or “Pakistani proxy” while justifying all atrocities against Kashmiri Muslims.
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