Author: Sangeeta Goswami
Sangeeta Goswami is with Human Security Collective, a nonprofit organisation based in The Hague, which works, among other things, on advocating for the protection and expansion of the operating space for civil society. A long-standing project involves mitigating the unintended consequences of counter-terror-financing regulations on nonprofits.
Sangeeta studied in Shillong, Delhi and London.
The Anatomy of a Murder and Possible Responses
Gauri Lankesh – woman, journalist, activist, woman – murdered in front of her home the other day while returning from work. What is the anatomy of such a murder – the ingredients that go into its making? And what are the levers, policy and otherwise, that can be put to use to address such events? And what can we, as individuals, do? Where and how can we intervene?
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