Author: Yanis Varoufakis
Yanis Varoufakis is an academic economist and was Greece’s Minister of Finance for seven months in 2015. He voted against the terms of the Troika-imposed 3rd Greek bailout agreement in August 2015. He is currently involved in launching a Democracy in Europe movement. Author of many books and texts on the financial crisis, economics and game theory, he is the author of the forthcoming “And the Weak Suffer What They Must? Europe’s crisis, America’s economic future.” New York: Nation Books.
Threats to Democracy in Europe
Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis argues that the nation-state is dead and democracy in the EU has been replaced by a toxic algorithmic depoliticisation that, if it is not confronted, will lead to depression, disintegration and possibly war. He calls for a launch of a pan-European movement to democratise Europe, to save it before it is too late.
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