On July 19, 2017, a nine-judge bench of the Supreme Court has assembled for the first time in 10 years to answer one long-debated question:
*Do Indians have a Fundamental Right to privacy?*
The decision of this bench will be historic, and will affect many other areas of law besides the immediate issue of whether #Aadhaar violates the right to privacy. It could affect the legality of abortions, the wider ban on beef and alcohol consumption; and could enable government to step up surveillance. Gautam Bhatia & Prasanna S live tweeted the proceedings. This is their report of the Day 1 of the proceedings.
Today, as citizens of India, it is time for us to demand that the Supreme Court declare privacy a fundamental right for all time.
*Add your voice* to the demand by tweeting the hashtag *#MyPrivacyMyRight* – in whichever Indian language you prefer!
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