Evils of Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen

Do you think the viral sensation Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen by Piko Taro is an innocent nonsensical song about fruits and pens? Oh….. you are dead wrong my friend. It has an evil subliminal message brain washing people the world over.


For the first time ever.
I will unlock the hidden message behind this evil song
Here’s the proof. Let us look at the lyrics of this song
The first line says

I have a pen –
this line actually talks about an unknown super power controlling the Pentagon
I have an Apple – 
they also own the Apple company
Ugh Apple pen
the significance of the ugh gesture in the video shows the merging of Apple and the Pentagon

Shocked ?
Take a look at the second verse

I have a pen
I have pineapple
hold up! Pine trees are triangular in shape. Hence,
Triangle = Illuminati
Pineapple pen= Pentagon+illuminati

Its now apparently obvious that evil lurks even in what seems like an innocent song.
Keep your eyes open people
The end is nigh


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Kenneth Norma Written by:

Kenneth Norma is a school teacher and also a radio announcer at All India Radio Shillong

One Comment

  1. DJ Fossil
    October 9, 2016

    Very funny, and very good!!

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