This statement (originally in Khasi) was endorsed by more than 130 Khasi citizens of Meghalaya. If you are from Meghalaya and want to endorse the statement, message or WhatsApp on +91-9863097754.
We are living in a time of darkness in India as well as our state of Meghalaya, amidst violence and killings of hate.
We live under the shadow of the Citizenship Amendment Act., 2019, a law which has created an atmosphere of hate and is dividing the citizens in our society and various communities. And this has only gotten worse with the recent incidents of violence in Delhi, and closer to home, here in Meghalaya.
The violence which led to the deaths of Lurshai Hynniewta, Rupsang Dewan, and Ussaduddin, as well as various attacks and stabbings, at the hands of hatemongers and criminals shows a complete lack of remorse and lack of understanding over the value of life. The loss faced by their families is irreconcilable. Yes, the police has managed to arrest some of the perpetrators, but there are many more perpetrators who are on the loose and this threatens others and the overall peace and order in our state.
Meghalaya is faced with many difficulties, as well as opportunities and hope. The population of the indigenous people here is small in comparison with India at large, and they need protections, whether it is their land and resources, languages, their indigenous land systems and sacred forests, their traditional governance, like the Dorbar Shnongs and Himas, and several others. Whether these protections can be achieved only through violence and bloodshed? Through the propagation of hate? Whether we cannot think of other ways to protect ourselves? Yes, sometimes laws are passed that threaten us, and also the movement and entry of people from outside the state also makes it seems that our existence in the face of the earth is threatened; can violence and bloodshed be the only solution? The saying, “An eye for an eye” will not lead us anywhere, it will only blind us and our communities. And as enlightened citizens, we should not accept this and understand that even history teaches us that this philosophy of hate and violence will only beget more hate and violence. Therefore, those who murdered Lurshai Hynniewta, Rupsang Dewan, and Ussaduddin; those who assaulted people are nothing more than criminals and violent opportunists who should be caught immediately and punished as per the provisions of law.
What happened in Ichamati on the 28th of February 2020 and the subsequent assaults and stabbings, and hate mongering would only lead to a cycle of more hate and violence and would protect no one. All this would only create an atmosphere of hate and continue to create problems, not just now but to future generations.
We have our traditional institutions like the Dorbar Shnong from the bottom to the Raij, the Hima, to the District Councils, and to the Legislative Assembly. Let us strengthen these institutions and their democratic principles and expand ourselves and our thinking. We should mould and improve our governance structures that it benefits all sections of society, whether female or male, young or old and that governance, trade and commerce and others should be inclusive to all on the principle of equality before the law.
Differences will always exist amongst the citizens, in the country, or here in our state. And that should be our strength rather than seeing differences. We have different religious practices and different festivals celebrated across all cultures. We also have in our state different religious traditions, clan groups, and a multitude of different groups; this should be a matter of pride that this plurality exists. We should not let hate divide this plurality and create an atmosphere of fear in our state.
The problems which face us today, in the state and in the country, should be sorted out through democratic means and dialogue. And even if there are disagreements, the democratic right to protest and disagree should be protected along with the fundamental right of freedom of speech which entails the right to criticise as well. No matter our differences and disagreements, we should not let hate take over.
What happens next? Whether to continue with hate which leads to unnecessary violence and bloodshed? Whether we should let hatemongers and violent opportunists to take advantage of this atmosphere? We need to come together and unite, unite against fear, hate, violence and bloodshed. We should unite together for the future. We should fight hate with love, fight blades and iron rods with dialogue and arguments.
Therefore, we the citizens of Meghalaya and India come together and condemn the violence which has led to loss of innocent lives and that all those involved should be booked under the provisions of the law, and also appeal to all individuals and groups to stand united against hate and violence.
We demand that an independent inquiry be set up to inquire into the events leading to the violent incidents in Ichamati as well as the assaults and stabbings which took place subsequently in Shillong as well as in other places.
We demand that the Police should not be biased towards anyone and that all involved should be booked as per the law. Also, incidents of violence, including assaults, arson, and destruction to property, whether private or public, have been taking place periodically for the past few months and years, and the police should strengthen mechanisms to prevent such incidents from taking place.
We demand the creation of spaces for public forums and discussions, to debate about the law, to find ways to uplift our people and state, and to preserve our traditions. We encourage fearless naming of important issues that affect the State or the Indigenous people, and to debate publicly and in detail – founded on the fundamentals of truth – ways in which we can protect our own people.
We demand the indigenous and government institutions govern in a corruption-free manner, making sure that our neighbourhoods, towns and cities are safe for all. We demand the institutions execute the law in a just and fair manner without bias, and in accordance to the laws of the land. We demand the creation of spaces for public forums and discussions in our neighbourhoods, in our places of learning, where the public and students can gather regularly to discuss, to debate and to listen to the perspective and opinions of others.
We encourage the public to not be afraid to stop or to intervene when there is violence and killings – even if it is a small altercation – in order to prevent it’s spread.
We encourage the planting of seeds of mutual respect and love across generations and with one’s own children; and that our love of our own traditions and people should not be greater than hatred of others different from us.
We need to understand the importance that our people will not thrive and grow in isolation. History has much to teach us about this. We have rubbed shoulders with others from different places. There was also a time when we worked alongside others while we stood up for our own. But now we must chose the path of peace and love. We need to struggle against the hardships of our state and dangers our people face with wisdom, with truth, and lawfully based on democratic foundations. We should not be afraid to speak the truth, we should not be afraid to debate and defend our arguments by finding common ground in broad mindedness. We need to stand together to end the hatred and killing of each other, it only brings loss and death. Enough is enough.
Endorsed (in alphabetical order)
- Agnes Kharshiing
- Aiban Dkhar
- Aiban Mawkhroh
- Aidan Syiem
- Ainame Phanbuh
- Airpeace W Rani
- Alfrisha Lyngdoh Rani
- Amita Sangma
- Andrew Lyndem
- Angela Lyngdoh
- Angela Rangad
- Angelle Wallang
- Anita Kharmawphlang
- Arnicia Kharnaior
- Ashu Iangrai
- Avanti Mary Jyrwa
- Avner Pariat
- Balawansuk Lynrah
- Banshan Marwein
- Banshkem Wahlang
- Banteiborlang Khongmawloh
- Banteilut L Nongbri
- Batskhem Myrboh
- Benjamin Blah
- Beststar Mukhim
- Bijoya Sawian
- Biron Singh Nongbri
- Bishar Skhemlang Marwein
- Bitalinda Majaw
- Caldwell Manners
- Christopher J War
- Junisha Khongwir
- M.Pariat
- Dabormaian Kharmawphlang
- Damien Marwein
- Darilyn Syiem
- Donkupar Lyngdoh
- Bhogtoram Mawroh
- Khlur Mukhim
- Moses Kharbithai
- Valencia Myrboh
- P.B.M Basaiawmoit
- Elphius Umsong
- Evangalene Thabah
- Gertrude Lamare
- Gideon Gregory Kharmalki
- Grace C Kyndiah
- Gracefulness Rymmai
- H H Mohrmen
- H Hokid Syiem
- Harold B Thabah
- Iamon Syiem
- Ian Khongmen
- Iasaid Khongjee
- Ibundor Ehlert
- Indashai Warjri
- Jackie Warjri
- Janice Pariat
- Jenita Jyrwa Nongsiej
- Jerry Lucius Pyrtuh
- Jobeth Ann Warjri
- Joel Kyndiah
- Johanan Wahlang
- John Kharshiing
- Jonal Lyngdoh Nongumlong
- Jonis Kharthangmaw
- Joy Grace Syiem
- Juban Lamar
- K Mark Swer
- Karen Mihsill
- Karen Syiem
- Kenneth Swer
- Khrawbor Wartde
- Kitbok Nongkynrih
- Kitboklang Manar
- Kynjoh Shaphrang Masynting
- Kyrshan Thabah
- Kyrsoibor Pyrtuh
- Lakyntiew Sawian
- Lamjingshai O Garod
- Lamphrang Diengdoh
- Lamtei Wahlang
- Lapdiang A Syiem
- Lavenia Lyngdoh Nongum
- Leonardo Tongper
- Lindsay Diengdoh
- Longnam Wanbiang Kharpuri
- Macfairson Dkhar
- Mantre Passah
- Maranatha Wahlang
- Marbudlang Lyngdoh Lawai
- Marwanki Rymbai
- Mary Anne Pohshna
- Mary Therese Kurkalang
- Mayfereen Ryntathiang
- Melanie War
- Mercy Kharbasanti
- Moody AW Lyngkhoi
- Zambolis Sawkmei
- B. Diengdoh
- Neal Lyngwa
- Neeta Ranee Blah
- Nobas Nongrum
- Phyllis Rani
- Precious Lynshiang
- Pynshailang Nongrum
- Queency Pathaw
- RGLyngdoh
- Raplang C Marweiñ
- Rayner Dkhar
- Ridalin Nongbet
- Ritibon Shabong
- Romilan Rajee
- Roney Lyndem
- Rudi Warjri
- Rushwa Lamare
- Thabah
- Saihunlang Phanbuh
- Samanda Phanwar
- Samborlang Kharpuri
- Sanjosstar Marngar
- Saphronia Mawniuh
- Saralin Kharbudon
- Seiborlang Rynjah
- Sibani Malngiang
- Sonia Langstieh
- Sophilos Lywait
- Sumarbin Umdor
- Synjuk Mon Dkhar
- Syrpailin Khonglah
- Tannia Mawthoh
- Timothy Fedrick Mawkhlieng
- Venetia Mawlong
- Verbeena Kyndiah
- Wancy Passah
- Wanphaiti Rynjah
- Wansalan Dhar
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