Mufti Mohammad Sayeed – a Cartoon obituary

Mufti Mohammad Sayeed (12 January 1936 – 7 January 2016), has been obituried to death by Indian media – Suave, Democrat, Bridge builder, Nationalist, Man of all seasons, etc. etc. We were bored. And then we remembered Mir Suhail, in our opinionated head, the best cartoonist in the game in this part of the world. So why not let you view Late Mufti Mohammad Sayeed from his turf of India Occupied Kashmir

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Pigeon I will hit you
Pigeon I will hit you

11401171_846103522105139_8188139792241680129_n 11351407_837908492924642_4453725877100775382_n 12190868_915105441871613_1959930211361037302_n 12189570_912334598815364_2801039733433342019_n 11825625_870822866299871_3340541313457932053_n 11079691_807641809284644_9075502625862154087_n11216256_913143225401168_8249713659571731211_n 12208472_914675338581290_4520885311191149504_n


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Mir Suhail Written by:

Mir Suhail, 25, is a young artist based in Kashmir, most widely known for his dark political cartoons. His work speaks to the experience of growing up and calling a place of military occupation one's home with themes ranging from human rights violations to cultural imperialism. With 10 years of experience and an array of national and international awards under his belt, he is also working to capture the many artistic possibilities offered by the textile tradition of Kashmir in his role as the Creative Director of cultural enterprise Crafted in Kashmir. He has pioneered the use of war motifs on handcrafted scarves speaking to the continuing battle over geography-an enduring legacy of the post-colonial state.

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