(Translated from गुजरात के मृतक का बयान / Gujarat Ke Mritak Ka Bayan by Tarun Bhartiya. Original Hindi can be found here)
Earlier too, I used to die, bit by bit
From the childhood, a bit of living and a bit of dying
Endless search to live was the life I had
When I was completely burnt to death
Till then I had no idea about such uses of fire
I dyed clothes, fabrics, their weave, their warp and weft
I repaired outsized cinematic shapes
decorating the market square
I made colorful wooden swings out of broken things
And dancing sticks for Garba too
With Aluminium wires I crafted small little toy bicycles for children
And in return I would get a pair of slippers, a lungi
I wore it in the day and covered myself with it at night
sharing half of it with my wife
My wife got incinerated first
she stood in front of me trying to save me
And I’ve no idea when my children got killed
They were so young that I did not even hear their screams
I don’t know what happened to the skills which my hands had
I don’t know about my hands
the life in them, the shiver, that was the art they had
And I was killed in the same way
As were the others, all together
My life had no larger purpose
But the way I was killed seemed to have that large purpose
And when they asked me who was I
Have you hidden the name of the enemy inside yourself
A Religion, A talisman
I couldn’t say that I had nothing inside me
Just a dyer, a craftsman, an artists, a worker
When I was repairing something broken inside me
When tiny wheels of the toy bicycle cycle made of Aluminium wire
rushed inside me
They rained fire and stones
And when I spread my hands for my last prayer
Till then I had no idea that prayers never got answered
Today when I have been killed I have met
Amidst the humanity of the dead, more real than the humans, more living
Not to return to your barbaric living world
To finally say that, don’t kill me, don’t burn me
Now, when I’m just a shape of a body, a face erased, a
dead name
You who stare at me with a bit of surprise and a bit of fear
What are you trying to remember
Are you searching for some one familiar
Some friend, some acquaintance, or merely yourself
Or do you wait for a face to return to your face
A prose poem in simple narration with vivid details of life unto death.