On March 29, 2018, Mahesh Hegde, the founder of the alt-right online news site Postcard News was arrested by the Karnataka police and several sections of the Indian Penal Code were cited to justify the police action. Within a matter of hours many users of social media posted in joy and glee that action was taken against a much-despised site that often peddled fake news and radical opinions that were invariably pro-government, pro-Hindutva, often Islamophobic and xenophobic.
The Science Behind the Viral Nonsense About Patanjali Gaumutra (COWPISS)
There is a video posted by Postcard News that’s been doing the rounds on social media. It claims that (patanjali) gaumutra (cowpiss) purifies by body by getting rid of toxins.
But this is bullshit…Dr. Seshadri Kumar goes behind the science of this nonsense
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