Ha ka wat kaba ar, ka khlam Covid19 ka la pynngiew bad pynher syrngiew shisha. Ka mynsiem ka pang ban їohi ba ki briew ki їam paitdohnud bad mareh na kawei ka hospital sha kawei pat ban wad jingїarap na ka bynta kiba ieid bathoiῆ jong ki bad ban їohi ia ki met їap kiba ap pali ban їoh ia ka jinglehniam ba khatduh. La palat shi snem la їakhun pyrshah ia ka khlam covid19 bad ka khlam ka la pynpaw pen ryngkew ia ki jingduna kiba bun, khamtam eh ha ka liang ka sumar pang bad ka jingkoit jingkhiah (Health care) ha ka Ri bad Jylla. Ňiuma, hapoh ka Jylla ki Dorbar Shnong, wat la hapdeng shibun ki jingduna bad jingbym don ei ei na ka liang jong ki, pynban ki la long ka borbah kaba la kyrshan ia ka Sorkar Jylla bad lymda dei na ka jingshimkhia bad jingtrei shitom jong ki, ka Jylla bad ka Nongbah ki lah khyllem naduh mynno.
Tag: Science
In the past, interactions between the land and the sea in the southern part had initiated continental and marine deposition, creating mineral resources. Among them, coal and limestone occur in an east-west direction in Meghalaya’s south, and the coal has a high sulphur content. This is because, unlike most of the coal in India, which is deposited in the large basins of the Permo-Carboniferous age (299 to 359 million years ago), Meghalayan coal was formed in lagoons much later (50 to 33 million years ago). As a result, the coal seams are lensoidal: thick in the middle but pinching out laterally, and with a scattered distribution. And because of these reasons, it is not possible to use the same mining plan that engineers use to mine coal in other parts of the country. In other words, and professionally speaking, Meghalayan coal is not a mineable asset.
The idea that races are part of our existence and daily experience, especially those of us living in multicultural societies, seems to be just taken for granted by many people. But are races real or simply social/political constructs? Is there any scientific evidence they exist in humans? Or are some scientists just being politically correct in denying their existence?
There is a video posted by Postcard News that’s been doing the rounds on social media. It claims that (patanjali) gaumutra (cowpiss) purifies by body by getting rid of toxins.
But this is bullshit…Dr. Seshadri Kumar goes behind the science of this nonsense
The old cliché is “God is dead … And we have killed him”. When this statement was first uttered by Nietzsche’s Madman more than a century ago, I do not think that it was entirely depressing (even though the philosopher himself might have thought otherwise); perhaps because deep down people must have felt it was time to let the idea (of God) go. The zeitgeist had definitely changed direction.
It is a popular belief that women who live together synchronise their menstrual cycles, and that it’s mediated by their pheromones – the airborne molecules that enable members of the same species to communicate non-verbally.
COVID-19 tests: how they work and what’s in development
One of the key factors in tackling the spread of COVID-19 across the globe is testing. In South Korea, for example, mass testing has been used to try and quickly identify and isolate those with the disease. Testing is also vital to calculate accurate infection and survival rates – data that is critical for getting public safety measures right. And as this coronavirus continues to spread, people are being offered tests for sale, either at a high price from private clinics – or tests that are not officially approved, or perhaps even fake. So what tests are being used by health officials, how much do they really cost and what developments are there to come?
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