Jiten Bezboruah‘s “অখিল গগৈ মুৰ্দাবাদ” in a translation by Biswajit K. Bora
Whatever is happening is happening for the good! If possible, Akhil Gogoi should be incarcerated forever. His very existence should be annihilated, without an iota of trace, from the land of Assam, from the minds of the people in Assam.
When safeguard of jati–mati–bheti (the nation, the land, and the home) has been ensured, when divine incarnations on earth have guaranteed the same – the malevolent scoundrel, Akhil Gogoi has stood as an obstacle to it. When everybody wants a Hindu rashtra, when everybody is intoxicated by patriotism – the agent employed by China, Akhil Gogoi has ruined that intoxication. Everybody wants Hindu refugees to come to Assam, because that is the only way to save the Assamese nation. Otherwise, the Miya people will take over the state and the nation – Maulana Badruddin Ajmal will become the chief minister of Assam. The mission to save the nation is going on well. Even the contractors’ union for golden Assam has also promised to help secretively. But the agent of the Miya people, Akhil Gogoi has stood as an obstacle.
The future of Assam is unpropitious till Akhil Gogoi is alive. There will not be any development if there are no big dams. But there will not be any big dam if there is Akhil Gogoi. Eviction is necessary for development, eviction is necessary for ousting Bangladeshis as well. But there will not be any eviction if there is Akhil Gogoi. Who is inciting the toiling peasants to come to Guwahati to protest? The answer is Akhil Gogoi is. He calls himself a peasant leader, but have you ever seen him work for the peasants? Have you ever seen anywhere amelioration of the condition of the peasants brought with by protests against the government? Who is sowing the seeds of unrest in an Assam resting in peace? The answer is Akhil Gogoi. Who is inseminating the brains of the youth with seditious thoughts? The answer is Akhil Gogoi. At a time when the youth should heartily absorb patriotism, at a time when the youth should take up sticks to repress the anti-nationals – Akhil is teaching them to question the state, to stand against the state.
There are many other leaders and good organisations in Assam. All are protesting – all are saving the nation, making Assam golden. Nobody nowhere has a problem. But where there is Akhil, there is a problem with him; whatever he does, everybody has a problem with it. Overall, nobody can live in peace till there is Akhil Gogoi in Assam.
Akhil Gogoi, in reality, does not need to commit any crime. Akhil Gogoi himself is a crime – his existence is his crime, that he is breathing is his crime. Akhil Gogoi is a dangerous epidemic for society. Therefore he should never be allowed to come out.
By now, many people might have realised the real face of Akhil Gogoi. Therefore the good organisations have not staged intense protests demanding his release, despite the fact that he has been in jail for a good many days. Therefore the nation-loving news channels have not organised talk shows. Therefore the singers have not sung songs demanding his release. Therefore the writers-intellectuals have not given public statements condemning his incarceration. Only the spoiled anti-national leftists have been braying. Only the traitors in Jamia Millia University have graffitied his picture on walls. In reality, everybody is gradually realising the real face of Akhil Gogoi. The sooner the rest recover from his monstrous charisma, the better.
Now everybody should have only one demand – “Down with Akhil Gogoi, End of Akhil Gogoi.” And Assam will be showered with peace and harmony, development and progress, as well as the golden days of Hindutva.
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