Rishabh Bajoria argues that the withdrawal of the SC creates space for the Hindu-Right to mould the terms of the Indian Muslim’s citizenship
Category: religion
It was that day I realized that unknowingly I was subscribing and preaching the very form of yoga I find so repelling; and that is yoga which is rigid and fixed. Comfortable in my usual routine, I had forgotten that one of the most essential trait to be a yoga teacher, is the ability to mould the ancient practice in a form that will benefit all, be free of judgment, religion and politics.
Ngin Kyrshan bad Iarap Ia kiba Pang bad Ia ki Para Marjan
Kane ka Jingkyrpad ka wan na u Rev Kyrsoibor Pyrtuh, uba haduh mynta kane ka khyllipmat u la laitim na ka jingpang Cancer bad kane ka jingkyrpad ka mih na ka jingim kaba la mad ia ka jingban khia ka jingpang bad ka mih na ka tyllong ka dohnud.
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