Poor republic labours
And asks for two handfuls of rice-
They find jaat paat under republic’s lungi.
Lonely republic’s
Hunger burns in republic’s stove.
Republic is lame and maimed
Someone crushes republic in a mortar’s nook.
Kazi Neel is from Jyoti Gaon, Barpeta, Assam . He writes poetry in Miya, Asamese and Bengali. He talks about contemporary politics, his community (Miya) and love through his popular poetry. He is doing masters in Cultural Studies from Tezpur University.
Poor republic labours
And asks for two handfuls of rice-
They find jaat paat under republic’s lungi.
Lonely republic’s
Hunger burns in republic’s stove.
Republic is lame and maimed
Someone crushes republic in a mortar’s nook.