जिम माउलांग (Jim Mawlong) or James Ador Mawlong’s previous photoessay NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC LANDSCAPES FROM THE #KHASIHILLS on RAIOT had evoked comprehensible anger from those zillions of photographic duds shooting weddings of waterfalls or with shutter amnesia to allow some weird milkyway carlights kissing arse. They told us why are we providing platform to a photographer, who refuses to shoot sunsets, finds garbage in our beautiful waterfalls and seems to have no idea about fullframe and megapixels. Some even said photographs like these are turn off for the tourists. We were happy, the curious vision of James Mawlong was being read for what it is.
So, here is another जिम माउलांग series #RoadsideMonoliths or #Mawbynna #Surok. With ritual and structural centrality of Monoliths in Khasi society, any attempt to historicise its presence would be a bit of a heresy. But heresy is better than any Govt. of Meghalaya calendar.
To learn a bit more about megalithic cultures of the Khasis read this classic essay by David Roy and you can follow James’s work @khunimei on instagram
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