I have to drink
Let me Drink
I want to live
Let me live
You’re rich
So have your Assam Tea
I’m poor
Tea Tribal
Let me drink away my pain
I have to drink
Let me Drink
I want to live
Let me live
If you’ve a heart in you
Then listen to me
If you believe my words
Then share it around
Everyone in Assam
Has had a sip
Labour your life away
And then have a drink
You couldn’t even give us minimum wage
Only 167 rupees per day
You’re rich
So have your Tata Tea
I’m poor
Tea Tribal
Let me drink away my pain
Why Should we have education
Why should we have healthcare
You only need labourers
To make economy stronger
This toxic hooch was good
How would we have lived our life without it
You’re rich
So export your Tea
I’m poor
Tea Tribal
Let me drink away my pain
If you drink
It is Absolut
If we drink
It is Chullai
Our blood
Is Laupani
And your blood
Is kingfisher
Your election promises were fraud
We didn’t get our minimum wage didn’t go up
Labourers have been dying for some time
And you didn’t even tax the hooch
You’re rich
Tell your tea seller
We immediately supply your Assam tea
But atlas let us sometime have Assam tea
I have to drink
Let me Drink
I want die
Let me die
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