Beyond the FACEBOOK shared nostalgic mist covered view of Shillong lies the reality of very Shillong kind of deprivation – unspoken and silent. Students of Christ Church’s Morning School, Mawlai Syllaikariah decide to hear the truth. This is a story burom-class of Shillong do not want to be told.
Taking the idea of economically disadvantaged children as potential agents of change, the English and Foreign Languages University, Shillong together with UNICEF Assam, embarked on the first participatory media project of its kind in Meghalaya. The idea of equipping children with the modern tools of communication was an inspiration for the gradual formulation of the project, “Children in Media Experiments” (CHIME) in 2012. In 2016, this CHIME, a participatory media project with special focus on child rights and development, has evolved into a project where it orient children especially from the marginalized sections of the community over the years till its latest installment this year – the Community Children Reporters project.
Aims and objectives of this project can be summarized as:
To orient children and adolescents from marginalized communities with to produce regular news stories of the community. To provide access and build capacity and orientation on child rights and participation issues and technical skills on filming and editing. To develop various participatory communication tools in consultation with the stakeholders while aiming to showcase the issues and concerns of the community through regular news features, and regular post on social/community media platforms.
The children so selected for the project, are all currently studying in Christ Church’s Morning School, Mawlai Syllaikariah, Shillong. Since the project deals with TV journalism, the children under the project are required to shoot video interviews as per their topics/issues that they have chosen by themselves.
This news feature, made by one of the CHIME teams, is one of their monthly stories that they had come up with, and will continue to do so for the next eight months.
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