Lyngba ka RTI ngi la ioh ia ka list kaba don ia ki kyrteng jong ki nongtrei-nongbylla sngi kiba ka Sorkar ka kam ba ka lah dep ai ia ka song jingiarap bad jingkyrshan pisa kaba long Rs 2100 ( na ka bunta ki na ka bynta ki bnai ba don ka jingkhang dam ha ka sien ba nyngkong ka jinglynshop ka khlam Covid19 ha ka snem 2020.
Author: Thma U Rangli Juki (TUR)
Thma U Rangli-Juki has been campaigning for THE RIGHT OF CITIZENS FOR GRIEVANCE REDRESS AND SERVICE GUARANTEE IN MEGHALAYA Law, draft of which it had submitted to the government in 2013. Sadly, the law to this effect that was recently tabled, The Meghalaya Right to Public Services Act 2020 (MRPSA2020) is a law fraught with the problems of conception and drafting. A Law which is supposed to bring transparency and accountability of the Public Authorities for the citizens was placed in the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly without any pre-legislative consultation. This lack of consultation is now apparent in the draft bill, which in its drafting is full of legal loopholes and is designed to frustrate citizens in redressing their grievances.
It is only by social solidarity and by thinking beyond our individual safety that we can come out of this crisis with our social fabric intact. If communities together are not safe, no individual is safe. If the working classes, disadvantaged and poor are not able to take safety measures, the disease will reach everyone sooner or later. Assurance of minimum income support and assurance of good emergency response— both will help ensure that everyone, including the poor, can adopt social distancing.
We as a movement feel that the battle against COVID19 is not only to protect lives and but also livelihoods. All measures such as social distancing and lockdowns will fail if this relationship between lives and livelihoods is not acknowledged. Therefore we are suggesting following measures that can be a part of the people oriented strategy against the pandemic in Meghalaya.
Ma ngi ki nongtrei nongbylla hapoh ka shatri jong ka sengbah ki nongtrei nongbylla, kata ka Workers Power of Meghalaya, ngi ia snoh kti lang bad ai ka jingkyrshan ia ka Sorkar ha ka jingiakhun pyrshah ia ka khlam COVID 19 ne kata ka Corona Virus kaba la sar bad saphriang satlak ka pyrthei. Ngi ngeit skhem ba dei tang ka jingiatreilang da baroh ki nongshnong shnong bad da kaba jam ruh ia u pud ka pyrkhat shimet ne ka khwan myntoi ba ngi lah ban jop ia kane ka thma bad ngi lah ruh ban pynneh ia ki nongrim tynrai ka imlang sahlang. Lada ki nongshong shnong ne ka imlang sahlang kim shngain ym don uwei ne kawei ruh na ngi ki riewshimet ki ban shngain. Lada ki rangli ki juki, kiba duk ba kyrduh, ki nongtrei nongbylla ki bym don ki lad jingiada kiba biang kim lah ban sumar bad iada ialade shen kane ka khlam ka lah ban sar naphang bad khlem pep kan lynshop ia ngi iwei pa iwei. Ka jingpynthikna ba uwei pa uwei ne kawei pa kawei ki nongshong shnong bad ki nongtrei nongbylla ki ioh ia ka jingkyrshan kum ka bai bylla sngi bad ka jingpynthikna ba uwei pa uwei ne kawei pa kawei ki ioh ka jingiarap kaba stet bad ba paka lada jia ba ki shitom ne kem pang, kan long ka jingiarap bakhraw ha kane ka jingiakhun bad kan pynlah ia baroh la uba duk ne ba riewspah ban bud pyrkhing bad ryntih ia ki jingbthah ki tnat Sorkar ban shong khop ha la iing bad ban kiar na kaba ia mih na iing ban leit sha ki jaka paidbah ne jaka trei.
Ma ngi kum ka kynhun ki nongtrei nongbylla ngi ngeit ba don ar tylli ki thong ha kane ka thma pyrshah ia ka khlam Corona, kita ki long, wei ban iada ia ka jingim briew bad ar ban iada ia ka jakpoh bad ka kamai kajih. Baroh ki jingpyrshang jong ngi bad jong ka Sorkar kin pulom lada ngim sngewthuh ia kane bad lada ngim lah ban iada ia ka jingim bad ka kamai jakpoh ki briew. Namarkata ka daw ngi buh ha khmat jong phi ia kine ki mat harum bad ngi kyrpad ba phin shim khia ia ki bad ban kynthup lang ia ki ha ki mat treikam bad ki plan jong ka Sorkar Jylla ha kaba iadei bad ka jingiakhun pyrshah ia ka khlam Corona…
Now that Justice Pranoy Kumar Musahary has been appointed the first chairperson of Lokayukta in Meghalaya, it is time to start knowing about the law and start using it to challenge the regime of corruption in Meghalaya. So here is your short guide to Meghalaya Lokayukta Act 2014 made by Thma U Rangli Juki (TUR).
What was won and what was lost in the Supreme Court Constitutional Bench Verdict on Aadhaar? A Press Statement by Rethink Aadhaar campaign
The members of Meghalaya & Greater Shillong Progressive Hawkers & Street Vendors Association and Thma U Rangli Juki (TUR) provided following suggestions to High Level Committee for Rehabilitation of The Residents of Punjabi Lane setup by Govt. of Meghalaya with regards to:
1) Formulation of a just and humane solution for the long-term residents of Sweepers’ Line in Them Iew Mawlong keeping in mind protections envisaged under Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution and Tribal nature of the state of Meghalaya.
2) Redevelopment plans for the area.
3) Safety and security of livelihood of Hawkers and Street Vendors.
Kum ki nongtrei-nongbylla ngi shem ba ka don ka jingpynkhein ia ka Riti Synshar ka Ri, ka jingpynkhein ia ki ain ba dei kyrpang na ka bynta ki nongtrei nongbylla ne ki labour law da ka Sorkar Jylla Meghalaya,ka Sorkar Pdeng bad ruh da ki riew shimet bad ki Private Company. Kane ka jingpynkhein ia ki ain kiba iadei bad ki nongtrei-nongbylla ka la ktah shibun ia ka jingim ki nongbylla bad ka dei ka jingleh bein bad ka jingniew bein ia ki nongtrei-nongbylla kiba noh synniang shibun sha ka ioh ka kot bad ka roi ka par jong ka Ri.
In the light of many citizens of Meghalaya being denied their pensions because of illegal insistence of Aadhaar by the Provident fund office, today the members of the Meghalaya Peoples Committee against Aadhar (MPCA) met the Assistant Commissioner Provident Fund at Shillong and submitted before him a petition urging the Employees Provident Fund Authority to withdraw or rescind notifications that make Aadhaar Mandatory.
Hynne ka sngi ka 14 tarik u Rymphang 2018, 13 tylli ki Seng jong Ki Nongtrei-NongBylla, Ka Seng Ki Nongdie Madan ryngkat bad ka TUR ki la pynlong ia ka “Bread and Roses Campaign” lane “Ka Pliang Ja kaba dap bad ki Syntiew Kulab” kaba dei ka tien phira jong ki Nongtrei-Nongbylla; kaba mut ba ki Nongtrei-Nongbylla ki dei ban skhem bad shngain ha ka kam ka jam, ka kamai kajih khnang ban im ban dap ka ja ka doh, ban ioh ka koit ka khiah bad ban biang ka pule dangle ki khun ki kti. Ym tang katta ki don ruh ka hok ban kmen ban risa bad ban pynjah thait da ki rong biria ia ka jingim kaba lwait Kumta ha kane ka campaign ne ka jingiawer paidbah la pyllait ruh ia ki mat jingdawa kaba mih na ki jingiatai jong ki nongtrei-nongbylla kaba la long ha ki bnai bad snem kiba la lah.
Ha kaba kut, na ka bynta ka lawei bad ka jingbha jingbit-jingbiang bad jingshngain ki nongshong shnong jong ka Jylla, ngi donkam kyrkieh ia ka jingiamir jingmut lang khnang ban lah ban sei madan da ka kynhun ba thymmai kaba ieng ha ka sain pyrkhat kaba thymmai (Ideology), ka sain pyrkhat kaba niewkor ia ka jinglong mar ryngkat (Equality) ia ka Hok (Justice) ia ka Jinglaitluid (Freedom) bad ia ka roi ka par kaba pynmyntoi ia baroh bad kaba neh pateng la pateng. Ha shuwa ba ngin ryngkoh sha ka kper tyrso jong ka meinah thymmai to ngin puson bad shim da kawei pat ka lad ban pynkha ia ka seng ne kynhun bad ka ban mih napoh ka Jylla hi, ka seng ka ban ieng bad iakhun na ka bynta hok ban im bad ka ban iada ia ka khyndew ka shyiap bad ia ka hok longbriew man briew. Thma U Rangli Juki (TUR) ka khyllie pyrda ia ki jingshisha bad jingarsap
Ki Jingduna ka Fifth Pay Commission bad Ka Jingbym lah ban iada ia ki hok jong ki nongtrei-nongbylla
Ka Fifth Pay Commission wat la ka pynkmen ia kiba bun ki nongtrei sorkar kiba mynta, pynban haba pule bniah ia ka la shem ruh ia ki jingduna bad khamtam eh ka jingbymdon ki lad kiba biang ban iada ia ka hok jong ki nongtrei bad nangne shakhmat ka lawei jong ki nongtrei, khamtam kito kiba trei bad ki ban sa trei ha ki kyrdan ba kham hapoh kum ha ki grade 3 bad grade 4, kam long kaba shngain.
Katba ka fifth pay commission ka kyntiew ia ka tulop ki nongtrei sorkar kiba neh(Regular), hynrei kumno pat shaphang kiwei ki nongtrei kiba trei kum ki nongbylla sngi, ki nongtrei iing, ki nongtrei kynta bad wat kito kiba trei kam ha ki ophis sorkar ruh kum ki adhoc ne kiba shu trei shipor (Contract basis)? Ka Sorkar kam la shym kren ei ei ne shim pyrkhat na ka bynta jong ki bad lada ka long kumne ka jingkyntiew tulop ia ki nongtrei sorkar ba neh kan nang pyniar shuh shuh ia ka lhuh kaba ladon lypa ha ka ioh ka kot bad ka imlang sahlang bad kan nang pynskhem ia ka jinglah shilliang.
Without corresponding protective mechanisms for the workers of the unorganised sector, the Meghalaya Fifth Pay Commission is a recipe for further widening socio economic inequalities in Meghalaya. Unnoticed by many, Meghalaya Government’s ‘gift’ to 68,280 regular Govt Servants also includes plans for further contractualisation and informalisation of work in the state Government sector.
Magsaysay award winner T M Krishna and ‘Kodaikanal Won’t’ fame rapper Sofia Ashraf joined hands with writer Perumal Murugan and activist Shital Sathe to produce…
On the third day of their ongoing peaceful agitation around 1200 longstanding regular casual workers of Meghalaya Energy Corporation Ltd had lunch time protest in various parts of Meghalaya, including Shillong, Umiam, Kyrdem Kulai, Jowai, Khlierihat, Tura, Phulbari, Ampati, Baghmara, Garobadha, Mendipathar, Nongstoin, Mairang & Mawkyrwat. They held placards with slogans outlining their various grievances.
“Thma U Rangli-Juki (TUR) condemns the intolerant residents and the dorbar of Shnong Madan iingsyiem, Mylliem who tried to prevent the cremation of (Late) Mr. Kulam Nongrum (President Sengbah ki Nongshad Nongkheiñ) in accordance with Niam Khasi faith in his village. It was only after the intervention of the District administration and an offer of space by Seng Khasi Hima Mylliem that Late Mr. Nongrum could be cremated. The fundamentalist and intolerant behaviour of the some of the Christian majority of the village ensured that the solemn funeral procession was also an occasion for hurling insults on the adherents of the indigenous faith.”
3 years on and Meghalaya government has finally set up a ‘Search Committee’ for finding suitable people to be Lokayukta. It is important that we as citizens suggest names for Lokayukta to the Search Committee. If you want you can suggest the names or inspire people to apply for the post. Please send in your ideas for names to [email protected] or [email protected]. We shall collect all such suggestions and put it out to this Search Committee.
Thma U Rangli-Juki/TUR is shocked at the allegations reported in the media about the ‘inappropriate’ behaviour by the Governor of Meghalaya Shri V Shanmuganathan towards women job applicants. The Governor is quoted as saying:
Thma U Rangli-Juki/TUR’s short guide to The Sexual Harassment Of Women At Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition And Redressal) Act, 2013
With cases like Julius Dorphang’s aggravated sexual assault on a Child and use of Guest House owned by HDR Lyngdoh, home minister of Meghalaya, for child sex trafficking, it is important to know about POCSO 2012.
Ka Meghalaya and Greater Shillong Progressive Hawkers and Street Vendors Association, ka Seng jong ki nongdiemadan bad rud lynti lang bad ka TUR ka khot ka wer ia phi ki para nongdiemadan bad ki nongshong shnong ban iasnoh kti lang bad kyrshan ia ka jingiakhih bad jingiakhun jong ngi na ka bynta ban iada bad pynioh ia ki hok ban kamai ja kpoh, ban bylla sngi, ban trei ban ktah bad ban ieng ha la ki jong ki kjat.
Ha ka snem 2009 ka Sorkar India ka la maitphang bad thaw ia ka policy na ka bynta ki nongdie jingdie ha madan bad rud lynti bad da ka jingbthah bad hukum jong ka Supreme Court ka Sorkar India ka la thaw ia ka Ain na ka bynta ki nongdie jingdie ha madan, kata THE STREET VENDORS (PROTECTION OF LIVELIHOOD AND REGULATION OF STREET VENDING) ACT, 2014 .
If you have been following the mainstream Shillong media or reading/hearing the influential opinion-makers of the town, you would be right to think that the Hawking and Vending is an illegal activity which needs to be stamped out. But that is not the case. Illegality is a myth.
Ka synshar paidbah ka dei kata ha kaba baroh ki nongshongshnong ki iadon bynta ban thaw ia ki policy treikam bad ki Ain, ym dei…
In a significant judgment delivered today, Supreme Court on 18th March 2016 came down heavily on a Meghalaya High Court verdict staying certain provisions of the eligibility…
In a recent Order of the High Court of Meghalaya dated 2.11.2015 has made a suo motu suggestion to the Central Government for the imposition of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958, in the Garo Hills area of Meghalaya. It is shocking and deeply disturbing that a draconian law like the AFSPA is being sought to be imposed through a judicial order.
Brutal attack by Meghalaya Police on the students of Kiang Nangbah College, Jowai, a government college, for demanding better educational facilities. Video via Wyrta and a statement by TUR
Why Meghalaya needs a Working class movement, Thma U Rangli Juki’s campaign paper on worker’s rights
Remembering Ma Hoping Stone Lyngdoh, the original radical of the Hill State Movement and and an uncompromising opponent of Uranium mining in Meghalaya
New Shillong Township has never been free of controversy. First, govt. became a land agent by buying off land from many dubious landowners and displacing…
On 22nd June 2015, Thma U Rangli Juki (TUR) organised an interactive session with journalist Mr. Sukumar Muralidharan on “Free Speech and the Right to Know: The Media in a Time of Conflict”. This was done in light of a judgement of Meghalaya High Court restraining the media from publishing any news about Bandhs and agitations. Raiot is publishing the Sukumar’s presentation that day.
Unlike people with power, who think legislations are too important to be shared with common people, TUR believes in sharing and learning from people’s wisdom.
Do read TUR’s dissection of VAB2014 and decide for yourself – whether we need democracy or unaccountable local self government.
KA JINGIATHIR HALOR KA VILLAGE ADMINISTRATION BILL HA DINAM HALL JAIAW [su_youtube url=””] T7 discussion on Village Administration Bill [su_youtube_advanced url=”″ theme=”light”]
Kane ka kot lyngkdop, ‘ka saiñpyrkhat U paidbah’, ka dei kaba la saiñdur bad pynmih da ka kynhun Thma U Rangli-juki (TUR) ha ka 14th tarik u Rymphang ha ka snem 2013 kaba la khot ia ka, ‘ka saiñpyrkhat u paidbah’ kaban long kum ka nongprat lynti ia ki kam jong ka TUR ha kano kano ka bynta jong ka jingialeh. Bun kiba la buh ia ki jingkylli bad ialeh ban wad jingtip shaphang kane ka kynhun TUR bad ia ki kam kaba ka trei, bad dei ha ine i kot lyngkdop ba phi lah ban ioh ka jingpynshai shaphang ki kam ba ka TUR ka thmu ban ialeh bad iakhun.
Halor Ka Kaiphot jong ka HLC: Ka TUR Ka Їeng Ha Ka Nongrim Ban Pynїoh bad Thaw Ki Lad Kiba Shonghok bad Kiba Їada Їa Ki Hok Longbriew
Kane harum ka dei ka kyrwoh ba pura kaba la pynmih da ka TUR ha ka 13 Risaw 2021
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