May 25, 2021 /

When the Tejpal “progressive” veneer slips to display a Brahminical choti, accompanied by Brahminical angst at being oh so “up-pressed” by a young woman’s rape complaint, and that unique Brahminical monopoly over HURT.
TT’s brother MT whines that TT’s being charged with rape inside lift, traumatised him (MT) so much he doesn’t use lifts; go on dates etc, AND that he (MT) started keeping a ponytail. Puzzled? Don’t be, it’s good old brahmanism.

May 23, 2021 /

Nalor ka jingsar ka khlam covid19, ka jingїakynad bad jingїaumsnam hapdeng ka Ri Israel bad ki nongshong shnong ka Ri Palestine ka la nang pynsuhjer ia ka pyrthei. Kane ka jingїakynad ka la pynkha ia ka jingїatai nia haduh kine ki Lum Khasi. Ha ki rynsan ka social media la sakhi ia ki dur ryngkat ki jingthoh “I stand With Israel”, katba kiwei pat ki kynthoh jur ba ka Ri Israel ka leh donbor palat pud bad leh ki kam runar kiba shyrkhei da kaba ka ther bomb dusmon ia ki Nongbah bad ki Shnong kiba don ha Palestine bad da ki spah ngut ki briew, khamtam ki khyllung kiba lui lui ki la їap.

May 21, 2021 /

In an unprecedented move, the CPI (M) decided that all its ministers would be freshers. But, reminiscent of the Orwellian quote about Napoleon being more equal – this wasn’t to apply to the Chief Minister, himself. Effectively this meant that K. K. Shailaja – irrespective of her merits or demerits – was to be excluded and has been demoted to party whip.

May 16, 2021 /

Ha ka wat kaba ar, ka khlam Covid19 ka la pynngiew bad pynher syrngiew shisha. Ka mynsiem ka pang ban їohi ba ki briew ki їam paitdohnud bad mareh na kawei ka hospital sha kawei pat ban wad jingїarap na ka bynta kiba ieid bathoiῆ jong ki bad ban їohi ia ki met їap kiba ap pali ban їoh ia ka jinglehniam ba khatduh. La palat shi snem la їakhun pyrshah ia ka khlam covid19 bad ka khlam ka la pynpaw pen ryngkew ia ki jingduna kiba bun, khamtam eh ha ka liang ka sumar pang bad ka jingkoit jingkhiah (Health care) ha ka Ri bad Jylla. Ňiuma, hapoh ka Jylla ki Dorbar Shnong, wat la hapdeng shibun ki jingduna bad jingbym don ei ei na ka liang jong ki, pynban ki la long ka borbah kaba la kyrshan ia ka Sorkar Jylla bad lymda dei na ka jingshimkhia bad jingtrei shitom jong ki, ka Jylla bad ka Nongbah ki lah khyllem naduh mynno.

May 5, 2021 /

Ka jingpang ka long kaba shyrkhei, sngew kumban pluh ka shadem. Ngim dei ban kheiñ sting ia une u virus. Nga thoh ia kane ka artikl ryngkat ka oxygen mask ha khmut, artylli ki drip ha kti bad ka jingdap shadem (la shah mai ha i nurse ruh). Ngam lah ban thoh stet, kumta nga hap pynlut baroh shi sngi ban type ha ka mobile phone ia kane ka jingkyrpad ia ka jaitbynriew baieit jong nga: To da sumar, to iada ialade na une U COVID 19.

Positioning beyond the opposition politics of Congress led front, do Akhil’s Raijor Dal carry the potential to herald a new era of politics in Assam? It is perhaps contingent upon several factors, the immediate of course rests on its electoral outcome but beyond, rests more on its ability to negotiate the structural contradictions that lay embedded in the politics of the Brahmaputra valley. Looking back at the KMSS, the organisation from which Raijor Dal was formed may generate interesting insights.

April 20, 2021 /

While I was still in school, the Oil India Limited conducted a survey in Rahmoria, following which they started digging out crude oil from Rahmoria. Just after a few years, it was shut down after protests by the people of Rahmaria. The people of Rahmoria were seeking for a permanent solution for river erosion. The state came digging for oil, but the decades-long problem of the area was not under its purview. Rather, as many local agitations would show, such ventures of resource extractions bring new risks and hazards. Callousness towards the local people and ecology is, indeed, inherent in the very model of extracting the resources. Sometimes the risks turn into disasters of unmanageable proportion. In the last decade, the fire in the Dikol oil field was one such disaster. The inferno that happened in Baghjan area – an ecologically very sensitive area, situated next to Dibru Saikhowa National Park – was even bigger than the inferno in Dikom oil field. I went to Baghjan the very next day of the incident, and several times thereafter. The village was reduced to ashes. The first thought that came into my mind was that the after-effects would linger on, as the state would shrug off its responsibility.

April 18, 2021 /

Ka jingshah sahnarphna bad ka jingmihpat u Jisu Khrist ki dei ki jingjia History kiba kordor ha ka pyrthei bad U Frank Macchia u kam kynti ba ka Jingmihpat u Jisu Khrist ka pynmynta ia ka jingkyrmen kaba mynhynnin. U Markos (16:12-13) bad u Lukas (24:13-35) ki їathuhkhana shaphang ka jingpynpaw jong u Jisu Khrist їalade hadien ba u la mihpat ha ki arngut ki synran, uwei na ki uba kyrteng u Kleopas, ha ka lynti sha ka shnong Emmaus.

April 18, 2021 /

The first record of any European having crossed the Khasi Hills from one valley to the other is that of the journey made in 1824 by David Scott, the Agent to the Governor-General on the North East Frontier with headquarters at Sylhet. In 1826 the Syiem of Nongkhlaw was persuaded by David Scott to allow the construction of a road across the Khasi Hills. In 1833 Cherrapunji was established as the headquarters of the hills districts. For the next twenty years all effort was concentrated on establishing communication between Cherra and Sylhet.

April 4, 2021 /

Ka jingrwai bad jingshad Jerusalema ka mih na ka khyndew jong ka Ri South Africa, ka dei ka jingrwai bad jingduwai jong u/ka nongrwai ba u Blei un ialam ia u/ka sha ka nongbah jong ka jingsuk. Katkum ka kotkhubor Vanguard, ka jingrwai Jerusalema ka ai mynsiem bad ai jingkyrmen khamtam eh ia ki nong Palestine ne ki Arab jong ka Palestine bad ha ka video kaba la ring ha ka kyntoit shnong kaba kyrteng ka Babal Majlies kaba don ha East Jerusalem, ki samla ki їashad ha ka sur jong kane jingrwai ryngkat ka rukom shad tynrai jong ki. Kaei kaba shon bad ktah eh ia ki nong Palestine ne Arab jong ka Palestine ka dei ki kyntien bad ka jingmut kiba don ha kane ka jingrwai. Ka jingrwai ka dei ka jingduwai ba u Blei un ai pat ia ka Nongbah jong ka jingsuk. Ha kajuh ka por ka dei ruh ka jingduwai ban ioh ka jingїada, ka jingїalam lynti bad ka jingkmen.

April 3, 2021 /

The documentary flows at walking speed. The grandness comes across in the sound of water and the people will take a viewer more than a few minutes to get accustomed to. Luckily, the music, the voices of the people and the cinematography help. Overall, this documentary is an example of a new kind of love (or devotion) that a new generation of people feels towards their planet. Let’s hope that the world listens.

April 2, 2021 /

Ngin plie ia ka khubor Good Friday ha kane ka por da ki kyntien na ka Gospel U Їoannis 11:49-50, “…u Kaїaphas uba la long u rangbah lyngdoh ha kata ka snem, u la ong. “A katno phi long kiba bieit! Hato phim sngewthuh ba ka kham bha ia phi ban shah ba uwei u briew un їap na ka bynta ka jaitbynriew,  ban ia kaba ka jaitbynriew baroh kawei kan jot noh?”- Kane kam dei ka jingkren rhem mynsiem ieit jaitbynriew jong u Kaїaphas ne ba u їaroh ia u Jisu ba u long u riewshlur uba їap na ka bynta kiwei pat. Hynrei kane ka shat phalang ia ka seng pyrkhat kaba la pun hapoh u Kaїaphas bad ha ki dkhot jong ka Dorbar Sanhedrin kiba thrang dik dik ba u Jisu un їap noh bad ban pynkut noh ia ka jingim bad ki kam kiba khraw jong u.

March 28, 2021 /

#Writing #Fiction #AnuradhaKumar
“I was born in Odisha, a time when it was still called Orissa. My first novel, fifteen years ago, was set there. Since then, I have written two other novels set in that state in India’s east; one in a town whose name I disguised, while my most recent novel is set in a place I have known only through the black and white photos of my father’s albums.”

March 21, 2021 /

Ka arphew saw tarik u Lber ka dei ka sngi kaba kyrpang kaba la tip kum ka International Day for the Right to Truthbad ka dei ruh ka lyngkhuh sngi їap jong u Bishop Oscar Romero. Kumta ngan pynkut ia kane ka puson da ki kyntien jong u Bishop Romero kiba ong-

“Їa U Blei ngi lah ban shem ha ki jaka bad ki khep ba don ka jingsynshar bad jingbishar hok bad ngi lah ruh ban їashem ia U ha ka lynti ka jingshisha” 

March 16, 2021 /

Hareswar Barman is currently a candidate from Raijor Dol from lower Assam constituency of Rangia. He has been an important political organizer in Assam for many decades, jumping into active political life since he was in school in standard eight. He has been a living part of dealing with the questions of community/class dialectic as it played out in Assam over time.

He has been associated earlier with the erstwhile URMCA (United Revolutionary Movement Council of Assam, formed with the initiative of CPI-ML-PCC Vaskar Nandy group), when the question of ethnic community assertion, autonomy, federalism, class-based mobilizations and so on, were particularly stark in the 1970s and 80s. Being part thus, he has principally opposed dominant Assamese subnationalism’s chauvinistic strains of the time. Later on, he has been one of the architects of the Abodo Suraksha Samiti (Committee for protection of non-Bodo communities), which wielded its own set of experiences. It is one of the healthy signs in the current political juncture in Assam, that is re-energizing experienced committed political organizers like Hareswar Barman to enter active politics again.

March 14, 2021 /

Ka aїom Lent ka dei ka por kaba ngi puson jylliew shaphang ka jingshah pynїap U Trai Jisu na ka daw ba u їeng pyrshah ia ka jingrunar jong ka pyrthei. Hoid, ka pyrthei-mariang kaba u Blei u la thaw ka long kaba bha, hynrei ka dap ruh da ki jingrunar bad ki pop kiba shyrkhei- kum ka tuh ka thiem bad ka bamsap, ka thok ka shukor, ka pynїap bad shohnoh briew. Ki briew ki khwan myntoi bad khamtam eh kiba don ha ka bor ne kyrdan (ym baroh), kim salia wat ban pynjot ne shim ia ka mynsiem briew tang ban biang la ka met. Ki khunbynriew ki їabeh sa tang ia ka spah ka thapbalieh bad ha ka jingїabeh spah ngi pynjot pathar ia ka mariang, ngi knieh jubor ia ka khyndew na ki trai ri bad ki nongrep, ngi pynkylla duk bad pynkylla phetwir ia ki million ngut ki para briew. Ngi thombor, ngi byrngem, ngi kyrdem ia kiba tlot bad ba lui lui.  Nalor kine sa kiwei pat ki kam runar kiba jyllei, ka batbor, ka jinglehtohmet bad jingsloit ia ka longrynїeng ki kynthei bad ia ki khynnah, shynrang bad kynthei. Kine ki jia ha kane ka Jylla, ka Ri bad kylleng ka pyrthei.

March 7, 2021 /

Katkum ka Baibl ki khun Israel ki ju kam ba ki dei ka Jaitbynriew kaba la jied kyrpang bad kumta ki mutdur bad kwah ban pynneh ia ka jingkhuid jong ka snam bad ki la pyrshang ban ym pynjaboh ne pynjngut ia ka da kaba khanglad ia ka jingshong kha khleh. Ym tang katta, ka la don ruh ka khep ba ki pyrshang da ka bor ban pynkhuid ia ka snam da kaba kyntait ne pynїap ia ki bym dei ki Jiw ne ki shiteng Jiw.

March 3, 2021 /

Kyrham was a professor of sociology at my alma mater, North Eastern Hill University (NEHU). The department was his second home. He had joined it as a young student in the 1980s, learning the mysteries, myths and methods of the discipline from an array of energetic scholars like Virginius Xaxa, M.N. Karna, A.C. Sinha, Nikhilesh Kumar and others. For him, the department epitomised cosmopolitanism and the free exchange of ideas among equals. He was enthusiastic about every pedagogic aspect that it undertook, first while it was located in the Nongthymmai campus and then when it moved to Umshing Mawkynroh where NEHU is currently located. The department reciprocated this affection and respect, awarding him with a PhD in 1990 and then inducting him as a member of the faculty soon after.

February 28, 2021 /

Ka kyntien “politic” hangne kam thew ia ki “party” їaleh elekshon ne kam mut tang ka jingїaleh elekshon, wat la kane ka long kaba kongsan ha ka synshar paidbah. Kam mut ruh ka jingїaleh “politic” ban їakhem umkhi ne kyllan umphniang ia ki pung kti jongno re lymne ka “politic” jyllud khohwah. Hynrei ka thong ka long ban ngam ha ka thwei jong ka spah snem ba nyngkong bad ban їathir-їatai bad sei madan ia ki nongrim ba ka Balang ne ka Kynhun Bathymmai ka їeng ha katei ka juk. Katba ka kyntien “economic” ka thew ia ka їoh ka kot bad ka kamai kajih.

February 26, 2021 /

Due to the historical traditions of peasant struggles in Punjab, in the current farmers’ revolt against agro-business capitalism articulated through three farms laws brought by Modi’s Hindu nationalist regime, the leaders of farmers organisations in Punjab played the leading role. It inspired first the Haryana peasantry and later the peasantry in UP, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan and other states to join the struggle. It is now progressing to become a country wide struggle going even beyond farmers. To understand the role leadership plays in any struggle, it is important to understand the significance of the concept of the ‘vanguard’. In every egalitarian movement, there is one sector which is the most advanced and provides leadership. This sector is the vanguard. It articulates the interests, aspirations and even emotions of other rebellious sections of society.

February 14, 2021 /

Ka sngi lehkmen valentine ka snem 2021 ka hap ha ka Sngi U Blei. Ha kawei ka liang, ka long kaba sngewtynnat bad sngewdon jingmut namar ba ka Baibl ka hikai ba U Blei u long ka jingieit bad ka jingieit ka dei ka jinglong tynrai jong U. Ka jinghikai shongtynrai jong ki Balang Khristan ruh ka snoh rdin ha ki artylli ki hukum kiba khraw- ban ieit ia u Blei bad ban ieit ia u para marjan bad ki parabriew. Kawei ka hukum kam lah ban їeng khlem kawei pat bad kawei kam don jingmut khlem kawei pat.

February 9, 2021 /

Whenever someone talks about
the ‘national unity’ of the entire country
my heart wishes to
deflate their balloons of vanity
and tell them—
the meaning of Bharat
is not related to some Dushyanta*;
rather it lies in the fields
where food grows
and so do robbers.

January 31, 2021 /

While many raise apprehensions about Rakesh Tikait even now, and perhaps rightly so, I also appeal to the same set to be patient in the way they approach this situation. It’s a difficult time, and such churnings are crucial. The damage that BJP has done to India will take very long to amend. Sometimes even fraught with contradictions. Impulsive reactions won’t help anyone.
Many fault lines still exist in West UP. Unlike Punjab where militant Farmers Unions have been active for many decades, Haryana and even West UP (including BKU) rely on Khaps to mobilize farmers. Feudal attitudes will take time to break down. But the Mahapanchayat on the 29th was a sure, small but significant, step towards the democratization of that society.

January 31, 2021 /

Ngi lyngngoh ruh ba ka Sorkar India haduh mynta kam kren shai halor ka Inner Line Permit (ILP) kaba ïadei bad ka Jylla. Wat ka Sorkar Jylla ruh imat kam shai, ki seng saiñ hima ruh ki bym thikna bad kiba khih jingmut kumba khih u khah kat shaba beh ka lyer. Ka jingdawa ia ka ILP la ka long kaba dang myntoi ne kam myntoi shuh ka long kawei pat ka mat ban ïatai, hynrei ka dei ruh ka ishu kaba la pynkhie ia ka jingïakynad bad jingïaumsnam bad haba khie ka jingïashoh-ïadat ka wanrah ia ka jingshongsyier, ka jingsheptieng bad jingduh bakhraw ha baroh ki liang.

January 31, 2021 /

Perhaps here in this city where Ambedkar was literally blackmailed into signing the Poona Pact, and where Jotiba and Savitribai Phule did their revolutionary work we can give our struggle a name. Perhaps it should be the Satya Shodhak Resistance – SSR to the RSS.
The battle of Love against Hate. A battle for Love. It must be militantly waged and beautifully won.
“Text of Arundhati Roy’s speech at the Elgar Parishad 2021”

January 26, 2021 /

Once the peasants are in Delhi, it is either collective redemption or collective ruin. Nazists rarely allow for a middle ground…
This is first time in history we are seeing a revolutionary uprising in a fascist society while fascists still have state power. It was impossible until today, but the impossible happened today.

January 26, 2021 /

So, from the lazy Raioteers, another belated new year free gift for you to download. This time Samrat Ray and his nostalgic graphic world of ML05‘s celebrate the non Mall economy of Shillong. Harek Maal to Sohprew. So go ahead download the pdf and print.
Obviously we warn all those (except the hawkers and street vendors of Meghalaya), who want to profit out of this creative labour, we will find you and lock you up to be built in the Crowborough Hotel.

January 24, 2021 /

Ka Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, ka nongthoh kot ba paw nam ka kynthoh tyngeh halor ka jingma ban ngeit bad ïathuh tang kawei ka khana (The Danger of a Single Story). Kumta ha ka imlang sahlang ki mih ki jingïakynad bad jingïaumsnam lada kawei ka kynhun ka thom da ka bor halor kiwei lane ka kheiñ dewthala ia ka dei riti ne kolshor jong kiwei pat. Ha ka synshar khadar ruh ka mih ka jingeh bad lah ban khie ki thma lada kawei ka kynhun ne bor synshar ka pyntian ne pynngeit ne thep jubor ia ka saiñ pyrkhat jong ka halor kiwei pat. Lyngba ki por ka pyrthei ka la sakhi bad mad ia ki Syiem, ki Kaisar bad ki Patsha ba runar, ka la mad ruh ia ki nongsynshar leh jubor ne “Dictator”. Wat mynta ruh ha ka juk synshar paidbah kaba ngi dang pyrkhat ba ka dei ka aïom kaba pangad bad ba shngaiñ, phewse kam shym la long kumta. Ha kiba bun ki khep ki nongsynshar kiba la jied da ki paidbah ki tan bad kurup lut pynban ia ka bor sha lade bad ki bat ne ïasambynta ia ka bor tang hapdeng jong ki ne kata kaba ki khot mynta ka “elected autocracy”.